Online Marketing Glossary: Interactive Agency

Posted on Nov 6, 2008 in Marketing | 1 comment

Interactive Agency:

  • An agency offering a mix of Web design and development, Internet advertising and online marketing, or e-business/e-commerce consulting.

glossary bookSpeak of the devil, we finally come to a definition that describes my new company, New Edge Media!  We offer PPC, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, and Email Marketing.  Some stop by and take a look!

This actually concludes this series of glossary items!  Huge thanks to Alexandra Wharton for having written this article and to Lisa Picarille for allowing me to republish them!

Have a series you want to see?  Please feel free to leave a comment and let me know!

Glossary Definition From
ABC’s of Online Marketing by Alexandra Wharton, Issue 22, Revenue Magazine

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  1. RevJeff

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