ASE09: Monday Chris Brogan Keynote

Posted on Aug 20, 2009 in Affiliate Marketing, Conferences & Networking |

Guest Post by Dominic Fawver.

The keynote address was pretty good.  In effect it gave an overview of Chris Brogan and Julien Smith’s new book, Trust Agents.  It was based on research that shows that there are more than one type of currency.  One of the most important one of these is social capitol, which is based on trust.  Once you gain the trust of people they will look for your opinions, and trust them, thereby making it much easier to sell things to them.  People will trust your recommendations of products and services.  Knowing the “insider vocabulary” can be a major advantage, and most important: “be known as a person” Julien Smith.

The keynote was mostly a conversation between Julien and Chris.  I am looking forward to completing the rest of the book and will be posting a review when I do so.