CJU Course: Kerri Pollard’s Opening Remarks

Posted on Oct 25, 2011 in Affiliate Marketing, Conferences & Networking |

Kerri Pollard's Opening Remarks at CJU 2011Despite our impressive growth rates, performance-based model and in-depth relationships, why does affiliate marketing continue to play in the minor leagues? Commission Junction President Kerri Pollard challenged us (advertisers, publishers, agencies, and CJ employees alike) to become major players in the overall media mix — aka, the “big leagues.” Not only do we recognize that there is life beyond the last click, but we can — and we do — add value to many of the critical stages of the consumer life cycle that lead to the purchase.

As usual, Kerri’s opening remarks were engaging, energetic  and encouraging.

Bullet Point Review!

  • The industry thinks we’re too small, we don’t deserve as much attention in affiliate marketing.
  • Benchmark Capital says “Affiliate marketing is slowing” but they’re the only ones that think that.
  • We know we’re growing; those outside our industry and those above us do not.
  • We can ignore these doubtful questions or we can answer them by demonstrating our value.  Answering them will allow us to do more in the future.
  • How do we create more outliers to increase commissions?
  • Are we having the right conversations?
  • We need to focus on incrementality.
  • Loyalty publishers have a 171% higher AOV, their users shop more frequently, and they have less returns (within CJ, anyway).
  • We need to look at what’s happening in other channels and address the concern, money can be funneled elsewhere.
  • We need to focus on profitability.
  • Revenue: cost of goods sold – operating expenses = profit.
  • Reach: who is your audience?  What are their preferences?  Do they match advertiser goals?
  • We can do more.
  • 5% of CJ publishers have a mobile experience or mobile website.
  • Only 10% of advertisers have mobile shopping experiences.
  • Starting November 3rd, CJ will be offering impression to conversion.  The click will always trump the impression.