CJU Course: Advertiser Best Practices: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Affiliate Marketing

Posted on Nov 2, 2011 in Affiliate Marketing, Conferences & Networking |

Looking to optimize your program but can’t figure out how? Does the affiliate marketing industry often seem like a giant galaxy without direction? Don’t Panic! Chris and Craig presented a guide on how to jumpstart any new or veteran program and drive results – money! They shared travel-tested principles you can use to offer the right marketing mix, invest your time and money effectively, and engage publishers and customers. Pack light for this trip through the keys to growth in the affiliate marketplace. The panel consisted of:

  • Chris Schwass, Advertiser Account Manager
  • Craig Cacciola, Advertiser Account Director

I’m not a raging Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy fan but I have see the movie and understand the references, which made this a really fun presentation.  I really enjoyed using the rules of the book/movie as analogies to affiliate marketing. It was fun and informative – my favorite kind of session!  You could tell that Chris and Craig were both having a good time putting together their session, something that’s greatly needed the last day of a conference when people are thinking about going home!

Bullet Point Review!

  • Bring a towel – Bring something of value to the table.
    • Offer the right incentive. Flat rate vs. Performance incentive. Bigger performers don’t need performance incentives, especially loyalty – they want flat rate. Short term vs. Long term. They want long term.
    • Vary your promotions. Give your publishers tools so they can be effective in attracting consumers. Some affiliates build momentum so a long offer is good, but some affiliates hit the moment and short term offers could work better, so don’t ignore either demographic.
    • Fix your site. Make sure landing pages are right, close leaks with phone numbers. Optimize, optimize, optimize! Consider it from the publishers perspective.
  • Use your babelfish – Speak the publishers language.
    • Write to one person. Be more conversational, engage them. Write as if you’re writing it to one person.
    • Keep it simple. The rule of 3: 3 words in the subject line, 3 paragraphs max, 3 sentences per paragraph.
    • Be transparent. Think of them as your sales force. You’ll build loyalty and rapport with your top publishers.
  • Listen to your robot – Don’t ignore the data.Marvin
    • Test everything. Why? What? How? Not everything fits your conventional wisdom. A/B test publisher emails.
    • Find the ROI.
      • Set a baseline.
      • Analyze incremental lift and cost.
      • Organize future opportunities.
    • Think long term. There might not necessarily be return in year 1. Diversify. The more investments you put in, the greater possibility of seeing payoffs