Cribbed Content for April 18th

Posted on Apr 18, 2008 in Rambles | 2 comments

Some good stuff going on this week… and I’m going to throw in something fun that has some social media implications…

  • Scott Jangro jumped into the podcasting world with a good set of rambles. He gets fairly personal, talking about the inspiration his daughter has given him & some general rambles about what’s going on in his life.  I really like this type of podcasting.  Great first effort… PodPress FTW!  I hope more are coming.
  • My new favorite term is Internet Rubbernecker. I may just changed this weekly post of mine from “Cribbed Content” to “Internet Rubbernecking”. The term was apparently coined by this article over at (if it’s from somewhere else, my apologies – I’ve never heard it before). The article points out (yes, go READ it first) that this YouTube lash back video is probably not the best legal move the scorned wife could have made, but it makes me wonder how strong a factor the internet’s court of public opinion might now sway the case? Food for thought in this day & age of social media run rampant.
  • Mark Wielgus from called out Joel Comm’s latest AdSense eBook marketing as shady and deceptive.  The background basically is that all the ads say just $9.95 for this eBook but once you buy it you’re automatically enrolled in some other program that charges you $29.95 per month.  NOT COOL and I have to agree with Mark’s assessment in his video.

I’m keeping it short & sweet this week and ended on what I hope is an uplifting note.  Everyday I go to work and I have to reconcile two facets of myself to get through the day – the part of me that went to college and got my degree in theatre so I could make a living on my own terms – writing and telling stories and entertaining people  – and the part of me that wants a better life than my parent’s had with more money and gadgets and opportunities and keeps me working in marketing- sitting at a desk all day working a set schedule on someone else’s terms.  I know I’m not the only one out there with this daily grapple.

Earlier this week Sam Harrelson recorded an Affiliate Fortune Cookies episode that I just got around to listening to last night.  In it, he describes his own college decisions, how high school superlatives have affected him, and how all that attempts to reconcile into who he is today.  It was a tough listen for me only because of the state I was in on Thursday – wondering if this blog is worth putting so much energy into and assessing why I do this.  This brought me to a good place and I’m okay with where I am… so if you’re finding yourself at a crisis of faith regarding your career, definitely give this a listen.  At least you’ll understand that it’s not just you.


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  1. Sam Harrelson

    Thanks so much for the kind words, Trish. I’m there with you on the reconciliation stuff and it’s a daily struggle that I don’t think will ever end. But, it’s that struggle that keeps things fun, interesting and on the right track. Don’t give up 🙂

    We need a support group for internet marketers recovering from liberal arts degrees!


  2. hafifi

    you have a nice to be a profesional likes you?


  1. » Joel Comm - Scummy or Chummy? - [...] make a long story short since I linked to Mark’s post in last Friday’s Cribbed Content, he called Joel…