Alexa Rankings & Google PageRank

Posted on Aug 28, 2008 in Tools | 1 comment

What do they mean to you?  I’m never sure how much weight to give to third party rankings like Alexa and Google PageRank.  Let’s review…

Interesting… isn’t it?  I know that it’s a higher ranking than another site of mine,, which has a ranking of 1,147,532.  To give you some scale, Google has an Alexa ranking of 2, has a ranking of 104,661, and Facebook has a ranking of 5.

Alexa ranks all the sites on the web based on their traffic and that’s how the ranking comes up.  I guess I should be happy in the range I’m in, but what can be done to increase your ranking?  More traffic, as far as I can tell.

Page Rank is another beast all together.  According to Wikipedia,

PageRank is a link analysis algorithm that assigns a numerical weighting to each element of a hyperlinked set of documents, such as the World Wide Web, with the purpose of “measuring” its relative importance within the set. The algorithm may be applied to any collection of entities with reciprocal quotations and references. The numerical weight that it assigns to any given element E is also called the PageRank of E and denoted by PR(E).

Much more complicated, and for the life of me I cannot figure out how to boost my page rank.  I know by checking that my page rank is 0.  I can’t understand it considering that I have a decent number of inbound links as well as outbound links that aren’t affiliate links.  Perhaps it’s because most the links are direct post links and not to just the domain?  Someone who knows more about this has yet to tell me.

So how much weight should be put on these numbers?  Different people across the web say different things.  I like to believe that as long as I’m putting out good content, it doesn’t matter.  I focus on bringing more traffic to my site right now because the more eyes that see it, the more likely it is that they’ll come back.

But, I’m far from being an expert on this.  What’s your opinion?

To find your own Alexa Ranking, go to Use this tool to check your Google PR:

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  1. alexa toolbar

    Recently Alexa added new features in their Top Sites Lists. These features have come to be extremeley well recieved by the web professionals.