
The next best thing to an Oscar is an Oscar Party!

Posted on May 12, 2014 in Crafts, Manicures |

The next best thing to an Oscar is an Oscar Party!

Okay, not really.  But, it’s the closest I’m ever going to come to holding one of those golden gentlemen in my hand.  It just so happened last year that my dad & step-mom were visiting from South Carolina over Oscar Sunday, so I decided to throw a party.  It was lots of fun with them, my step-sister & her fiancé, their baby (who was 3 months old at the time), and a few friends.  As my friends left for the evening, they said “That was fun… can’t wait for next year’s party!”

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Christmas Crafts 2013

Posted on Dec 31, 2013 in Crafts |

Christmas Crafts 2013

For some reason this year I decided that I wanted to make a lot of my Christmas gifts to people this year instead of purchasing something.  It wasn’t a financial reason… I think mostly I was just feeling crafty and had a lot of good ideas for people and thought “Hey I can make that”.  Eventually, this is the final list of ALL the things I made!  Unless you know me well, you probably won’t follow the list of names, but good luck trying 🙂

  1. A personalized cross stitched bookmark for my sister-in-law Bridget
  2. A personalized cross stitched bookmark for my sister-in-law Beatrice
  3. A personalized cross stitched bookmark for my sister-in-law Mary Clare
  4. A personalized cross stitched bookmark for my sister-in-law Genevieve
  5. A personalized ‘Baby’s First Christmas’ ornament for our newest nephew Charlie
  6. A personalized ‘Baby’s First Christmas’ ornament for our newest niece Brandy
  7. A personalized ‘First Fawver Family Christmas’ ornament for Charlie’s parents, my brother-in-law Michael & his wife Bridget
  8. A US Army ornament for my brother-in-law Michael (he’s a vet)
  9. A US Air Force ornament for my brother-in-law Zachary (he’s currently enlisted)
  10. A fleece baby blanket for Charlie
  11. A fleece baby blanket for Brandy
  12. A fleece baby blanket for our nephew Russy
  13. A fleece baby blanket for our niece Isabel
  14. A cross stitched giraffe ornament for Russy (I made him a personalized ‘Baby’s First Christmas’ ornament last year & want to make him one every year)
  15. A cross stitched ladybug ornament for my friend Veronica
  16. A cross stitched apple bushel & pie ornament for my friend Jennie
  17. “Wish” wine charms for my co-worker Judi (which doesn’t include the two book club custom sets she was nice enough to buy from me!)
  18. Doggy wine charms for my co-worker Ginette
  19. “Luck” wine charms for my co-worker Tanya
  20. Sports ball beer glass charms for my co-worker Randy
  21. Saints medal wine charms for my sister-in-law Celeste
  22. Sewing themed wine charms for my sister-in-law Monica
  23. Wine Lover wine charms for Dominic’s new boss
  24. A red & green tutu for Jennie’s daughter Joy
  25. A pink & white tutu for Joy
  26. Red & white polka dot hair ties for Joy
  27. A tulle decorated metal basket for Joy (it counts!)
  28. A tulle decorated hair band for Joy (I had extra tulle but not enough for another tutu!)
  29. A charm bracelet for my stepsister April (Russy’s mom)
  30. Designed a photo book of Russy’s baptism using photos I took & had Shutterfly print 2, one for April and one for her mom Joanna
  31. Designed a photo plaque for Dominic’s office at his new job, again using Shutterfly for the heavy lifting but it took some time to pick out the right photos!
  32. Personalized a stocking ornament for Charlie to add to the large family set I gave my mother-in-law last year.

That wasn’t even all the crafting I’ve done since October!  I also…

  1. Used my Cricut to make decorations and vinyl cut outs for my Halloween pumpkins
  2. Constructed the accessories for my epic Stay-Puft Marshmallow (wo)Man costume
  3. Made a felt bag, just because I had extra felt (still do)
  4. Used the Cricut again to make table settings and such for Thanksgiving
  5. Cross-stitched a stuffed giraffe for Russy’s first birthday
  6. Put together a “My First Year” picture frame collage for April
  7. Made a paint bucket donation can for the San Leandro Historical Railway Society depot repainting fundraiser
  8. Made two sets of wine charms commissioned by my co-worker Judi for her book club’s annual gift exchange.
  9. Made some other wine charms to sell in my Etsy Shop (eh, I had the supplies out and needed to keep my hands occupied while catching up on the DVR)
  10. 4 ornaments from our high school and college tassels
  11. My yearly home made ornament for our tree (most are cross stitched but some are other mediums)

For ease, a photo album just for the crafts mentioned!  I don’t have pictures of quite everything, but you’ll get the idea 🙂

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