Dealing with Email Solicitations

Posted on Mar 28, 2008 in Marketing |

More and more lately I’ve been receiving unsolicited business emails. Not spam, just emails from representatives of various companies offering their services to our company. I’m getting a bit more adept to answering these emails when we’re not interested. But it’s still an awkward situation.

So how do you address these things? Is it best to get straight to the point and tell these people politely that you’re not interested? Or should you fill the email with pleasantries and tell them you’ll get back to them if you’re interested? It’s a tricky situation.

My approach lately has been to get straight to the point. Thank them for taking the time to reach out to you, but politely let them know that you’re not in the market for their product or service. Of course if I am interested, I’ll ask for more information. Every time I send a response though I’m always conscious of what the person receiving the email will think. I don’t want them to think that I’m blowing them off, but I also don’t want to lead them on if we’re just not interested in the product or service.

So how do you approach this situation? I’m really curious to hear opinions. Talk back to me!