To Continue This Blog Or Not?

Posted on Jun 13, 2008 in Career, Writing | 7 comments

I’m considering whether or not I want to continue with this blog. I’m not sure that many people really read it consistently, and I’m beginning to doubt if there’s room in this space for another marketing blog from someone who didn’t even go to school for marketing. Is my perspective that unique? Not sure… so, I’m at a precipice I guess.

2008 Visitors

The blog isn’t even a year old yet, but I find myself questioning whether or not the blog is adding any value to the space or am I yet another jackass sharing their opinion with people who didn’t ask for it? According to Google Analytics, which longtime readers will see that I couldn’t even keep THAT working, I get about 61 visitors per day. 10,072 since January 1. But how accurate is this since my reporting has had fails a couple times? And does this even matter?

Unless I receive a boom of entries for the contest by Sunday, the contest has been a complete failure with not one single entry as of this moment. I thought the prizes were pretty sweet… hell I’d love to win them myself. What did I do wrong? Not put WIN A VADO! in the title? Rely too heavily on promoting it through Twitter?

Of course, this first year is a total learning curve. Find what works, what doesn’t. I can’t expect to just jump in and be the bomb. Am I being too rash? Not patient enough?crossroads

Confusing whether I’m representing my employer or myself is also weighing heavy. Am I forsaking my employer by endorsing my personal brand within my web presence?

These things weigh heavily on my mind as more and more work seems to pile on me – both at my place of employment and at home. Sure it’s building my “personal brand”, and I’ve gotten some cool opportunities from it like co-hosting the Affiliate Thing podcast and an upcoming opportunity that I’m not quite ready to announce yet, but…is it ultimately worth it?


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  1. lisariolo

    I hope you continue. I like your perspective, your style etc.

    I have to admit that because the “micro” posts on Twitter lend well to scanning, I tend to visit blogs directly less often. There is only so much time in the day. I do consider your 'voice' different than a lot of the others that might post frequently and have a better known personal brand. I say: Hang in there.

  2. TrishaLyn

    They look open to me… that's very strange. Thanks!

    And thanks for the sentiment 🙂

  3. Jeremy Botter

    Well, *I* hope you don't shut it down, because I enjoy reading your stuff!

    You're adding something to MY reading lineup. I'm not sure that counts for much, but I do mean it. I love the Toolsday posts! And besides, if YOU feel you are adding value out there and you LOVE writing, just keep doing it! I spent 2 years writing a blog for about 5 readers, and just kept doing it. Six years later, and I have a pretty steady flow of about 600 readers a day.

    Also, I must have missed the post about the contest. I'm going to enter right now. 🙂

  4. Jeremy Botter

    By the way, comments are closed on your contest post, so here's my entry:

  5. Andy Beal

    You can't stop now, not now that I'm reading it! 😉

  6. wraporkeep

    Whenever I have doubts I like to refer to Judge Judy's quote “If it doesn't make sense, it just isn't true” . That may not be the quote verbatim, but it's pretty close to the facts. The reason I visited your blog is BECAUSE I was reading my affiliate mail from PSPrint. If they didn't support it or you, why would I be here?
    I appreciate your blog. I have marked it in my favorites. Sometimes I just want to read interesting information that doesn't require action in order for mutual benefits to be accomplished. I find this blog to be a comfort zone.
    Is it self gratifying? Maybe. I do believe, however, that we all deserve some self gratification. An outlet that may actually help someone else, particularly from a host that is genuine cannot be a bad thing.
    Perception is reality they say, the question at hand is: Who's the judge? File that under “Can't please everyone all the time” and then maybe you can enjoy the fact that their are people out there that appreciate your time and effort. Breathe easy and call it a day. Hope that helps. Have a great day. Alexis

  7. TrishaLyn

    Hi Alexis,
    Thanks so much for your comment! I'm glad that you're finding it valuable, and that you came here from the newsletter!