ASE09: Tuesday Peter Shankman Keynote (Dominic’s Take)

Posted on Aug 20, 2009 in Affiliate Marketing, Conferences & Networking, Guest Posts | 3 comments

Guest Post by Dominic Fawver.

I see that Trisha has already given a really good outline of the topics covered by Peter, so I will just briefly mention a few things that I got out of it.

This was one of the most entertaining, insightful, and inspirational speeches given at the Summit.  I really enjoyed how Peter was able to engage the entire audience by using current examples mixed in with examples from his own experience.  One of his key points was that you can not make something go viral; you can make something good, and if people like it, it will go viral.  This keynote (along with all that I learned at Affiliate Summit) has given me the inspiration to continue on with a couple of projects I had been thinking of for a while.

That’s the mark of a good keynote.


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  1. Geno

    I fully agree with Dominic. I really enjoyed Shankman’s speech as well. It was a perfect fit for the Summit. Incorporation of stories and real-life examples really brought the speech alive (even with the absence of any PPT presentation!), and kept the audience focused for the whole hour. Thumbs up, and here’s to more keynotes like this!

  2. DavidDOchoa

    I’m glad you went and we met. You’re a real fungi, I mean fun guy!

  3. Trish

    It always confuses me when I see your name because my brother’s name is Damian!