Affiliate Marketing

How Seniors Can Be Successful in Internet Marketing

Posted on Sep 16, 2011 in Affiliate Marketing, Guest Posts, Marketing |

Guest post by Pat Tate

When seniors were younger and pictured retirement, they most likely pictured themselves finally having the time and money to enjoy some their favorite activities. Maybe they saw themselves traveling, having more time to cook their favorite dishes, fishing at the beach or taking in extra games of golf. Or, maybe they imagined themselves finally having enough extra money to spoil their grandkids and buying them their favorite toys.

Despite careful planning, many seniors may need a little help supplementing their income. Others may just be looking to make a little extra cash. Some seniors are fortunate enough to reach their goals of financial freedom in their retirement years. Isn’t that, after all, what years of working hard and saving money were for? But, after a few years of having all the time they want to enjoy themselves, many seniors become bored and start looking for something to stimulate their minds.

Internet marketing is the smartest way for seniors to earn extra money and satisfy their need to be more involved. Seniors today are able to contribute more in their retirement years. They are able to be more physically active, energetic lives.

Nevertheless, learning how to start up and operate your own business can seem daunting for most seniors, especially when it comes to using a computer and the Internet. Computers are relatively new. And, while the younger generation has grown up learning about computers at school and even using them at home, they are still foreign to many seniors.

There are challenges that come with starting a new business and learning new skills. But, facing the challenges of learning to excel with computers and in the niche of Internet Marketing can offer a number of benefits for seniors.

Why Seniors Should Pursue Internet Marketing

Starting a business can take time away from retirement leisure activities like fishing, golfing, cooking and spoiling the grandkids. But, there are a ton of reasons to pursue computers and Internet Marketing. Here are the top five reasons to get started with Internet Marketing.

  1. More Money: Internet Marketing can help supplement your income and offer more financial freedom during your retirement years. You can start supplementing your income now so that the rest of your retirement years will be freer and more fulfilling.
  2. Be Your Own Boss: Best of all, with your own business, you have the freedom to set your own hours. You can choose how much or how little you want to work and when it will fit into your schedule. You can still pursue all of your leisurely retirement activities like cooking, crocheting, golf and travel and work when you want to.
  3. Feeling of Success: Having your own income and have authority over your schedule, can give you a sense of personal pride and accomplishment. Recognition and praise for your achievements may have been easy to come by during your career.
    But, just because you are retired, doesn’t mean that you don’t still need the thrill of conquering new goals. Whether your goal is to run a successful business or get extra cash, succeeding at something new can give you a fresh outlook.
  4. Cognitive Stimulation: Trying to tackle a new skill can seem like a daunting task, but conquering new skills like Internet Marketing can boost more than just your bank account.
  5. Learn a New Skill: Okay, learning a new skill might not appear to be a bonus. But, along with the fact that new skills keep the mind alert and boost self-esteem, learning to use a computer and the Internet can also be skills that boost the quality of life and add convenience.

Getting Started with Internet Marketing

Getting started with Internet Marketing can be as easy as performing a basic Internet search. If you already know how to perform searches, use email, create documents and other simple computer tasks, then you’re ready to learn the ins and outs of Internet Marketing.

When you perform a simple “search” on your computer through Google, Yahoo or another search engine, you can plug in the phrase “Internet Marketing” and virtually thousands of options will appear. You can narrow the search by entering “Learning Internet Marketing,” and all types of links to Internet Marketing lessons, video tutorials, eBooks and advice.

If you don’t know anything about computers, there are classes available at your local colleges, senior citizen centers, and even other locations in your area. Help is out there if you’re ready to get started.

One of the best ways to get started is to seek out reliable blogs and forums on Internet Marketing. If you’re familiar with computers, you’ll know how to perform simple searches, and you might also have friends within the Internet Marketing niche that can advise you on some websites, blogs or forums they’ve used in the past.

A suggestion to start with The Warrior Forum (, which is one of the most widely used, powerful and communicative forums on Internet Marketing. When you join, you’ll be among a variety of other members, ranging from those who are new to Internet Marketing to those who have already built their success.

You’ll even find members of all ages. Even though you’ll find a variety of ages and levels of experience, members will have a few things in common— a desire to learn more about Internet Marketing and to help others by sharing their knowledge.

Here you’ll find experienced Internet marketers who can answer your questions, give you advice and help you get over the humps of getting started.

Facing the Challenges of Internet Marketing and Avoiding Scams

Seniors face many of the same problems that younger competitors face when trying to first break into Internet Marketing or start any new business venture. But seniors also face unique problems as well. Some of them are:

  • Many seniors are intimidated by computers and are hesitant to learn new things.
  • They didn’t learn about computers during school or when they were younger.
  • Slower mental capacity. It may take longer to learn some of the new terminology and technical aspects of computers and Internet Marketing.
  • Many seniors believe that they just can’t learn new skills, which is not true!
  • A lot of seniors who are familiar with computers and the Internet are afraid of getting scammed.

CautionDo you remember what it was like when you first learned to do many of the leisurely activities you enjoy now? Remember the first time you caught a fish, the first time your grandmother let you cook with her in the kitchen, or the first time you went to the practice range. You may have found learning to do these things daunting at first.
Learning to use a computer or learning new Internet Marketing skills now may seem overwhelming and difficult as well. But the challenges of learning can be overcome if you’re willing to put in the effort. One thing never changes; enthusiasm is the key to learning and to success.

Also, don’t let the fear of getting scammed keep you from exploring the benefits of Internet Marketing. Any time there’s money to be made from teaching, selling or promoting products and services, you can also expect a number of scams designed to take your money.
If you do your research and know where to look, you can detect the good from the bad on the Internet and avoid Internet Marketing scams.

On reliable sites like The Warrior Forum, you’ll find “Success, Power and Self-Improvement,” discussions, products and services and special offers. But, you’ll also find those who are successful and experienced with Internet Marketing and can offer advise and tips to point you in the right direction. Be careful and look into anything that promises “quick and easy” profit.

Turning Challenges into Successes

By simply changing your outlook about learning to use computers and the Internet, you’ll open doors to a world of financial, mental and social benefits. The challenges you’ll face when you decide to start you Internet Marketing business will becomes exciting opportunities that will enhance the quality of your retirement years.

Your mind will be taxed at times, and you might doubt your ability to take on to tackle obstacles when they come your way. But if you persevere, you might be surprised to discover what you can still achieve – even in your retirement years.

The best thing seniors have going for them is all the help that is available, both on computers and around your city and town. Take advantage of these opportunities to learn about computers and Internet Marketing and you’ll be surprised how your life will change for the better.

Don’t become overwhelmed! Some mistakes can be expected. But remember, you had to learn to tee up a golf ball before you could get a hole-in-one, and how to bait your hook before you could catch that catfish. Take it one step at a time; learn the rules first.

It takes time to master anything new, but the advantages for seniors to learn Internet Marketing are astounding!

Good luck!

As a senior Pat Tate started to explore Internet Marketing. She uses her blog as a journal to keep track of the people and programs that she has met along the way at Grandma’s Internet Marketing/blog.  She is an avid golfer and invites women to join her to talk golf at Women’s Golf Center.  She has always loved toys and as the proud Grandmother of five beautiful Grandchildren she gets to play with new ones at Grandma’s Toy Review.

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Beginners Guide in Building an Online Shopping Cart

Posted on Sep 12, 2011 in Affiliate Marketing, Guest Posts, Tools |

Beginners Guide in Building an Online Shopping Cart

Guest Post by Elias Cortez.

orange-guy-online-shopperOnline shopping is one of the trends in today’s modern industry. People who would always want to avoid congestion in the market place, parking lots, long queue in the cashier prefer online shopping. There are many advantages of online shopping. First, it can help you save time, energy and money. Second, it gives convenience when you need to send something across the miles. Online shopping can lead you to different sites where you can liberally compare the best item at the best price. Though for some reasons, people find it difficult to liberally walk into online shopping, and cannot totally replace window shopping at the mall.

Building your online shopping cart is quite trouble-free. However, it may take several days depending on the number of products, store plans and designs. Here are the basic guidelines on how to build an online shopping cart for beginners:

  • Get a domain name. When building a site, you need to find and register an appropriate domain name for it. (Example:,,,
  • Create your online store. This is considered as an obvious step when launching an online store.
  • Add and supply products. What does your business speak for? What are your main products or services available? To increase visibility and sales, it is recommended to include a promotional or informational video on your product description pages.
  • Select a design and layout. There are hundreds of templates available online that would fit and match your products and meet your needs. Original designs and a good layout can draw lots of customers to your site as they are very thrilling for them to see innovative and exceptional designs. Make your product labels and descriptions readable as well.
  • Shipping and payment options. After you’ve created your online store, then the next thing to handle is the entire logistics chain of your store.
  • Make a profit. You’re good to go! But remember that earning money on the internet requires enthusiasm and hard work. This is not an overnight-success activity. Expect some difficulties on the first stage of your business that’s why constant maintenance, advertisement, shipping arrangement, and optimization are necessary in order for your online shopping cart to run well.

Is online shopping safe and secure?

As a first time online purchaser, being nervous is normal. Many people who jump into online shopping experience apprehension and hesitation, so you are not alone. In fact, nothing is completely safe wherever you go, whether online purchase or real purchase. However, online shopping has proven itself with millions of transactions that went successful, and currently being safely processed each day. You would know if you’re in the right track if you choose a good and trustworthy company that safeguards your personal information, and ensures you customer delight.

How to find a company of good reputation?

Seeking an advice from a relatives and friends would be helpful in your selection. Remember, trusted companies are mostly recommended by trusted friends. To ensure further safety and security, it is advised that you must first know the information or background of the company on its website before making any transaction. If necessary, you can get their toll-free telephone number so you could gather more information about them.

Paying by Credit Card

When making online purchases, make sure that the company keeps all your personal information and credit number secure.

Elias Cortez is freelancer writer that specializes in writing in the education field for students looking to pursue a career in graphic design. Read his latest articles titled “Graphic design schools” and “Graphic design career information” to learn more.

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What You Should Know About Industry Conferences

Posted on Sep 9, 2011 in Affiliate Marketing, Conferences & Networking, Guest Posts |

Guest Post by James Martell

Do you ever hear about conferences for your particular industry and wonder if you should go?

Do you worry about whether a trade show is worth the time and expense involved?

I was struggling with those issues when I went to my first affiliate marketing conference in 2002. I had been an affiliate marketer for about three years, and I wanted more information on growing my business. Yes, I enjoyed the travel opportunity. Yes, the weather in Santa Barbara was gorgeous and the hotel was nice as well.

Seriously, though, if I were only looking for a short vacation, Seattle is closer and Portland is much more affordable.

Specific to my situation, I would have had a hard time convincing my wife Arlene to cut me loose for three days if all I could promise her on my return was a suitcase full of dirty laundry.

Fortunately, I was able to attend the conference because both Arlene and I knew why I was going. Better yet, our expectations for the trip were met and then exceeded.

Reasons to Attend Online Marketing Conferences

When I returned from my first Commission Junction University, Arlene and I were more than satisfied with the benefits I brought home. That’s why, when I returned to CJU the next year, I was accompanied by Arlene and 40 other people.

These days I attend several marketing events every year, and I advise all of my affiliates and colleagues to attend at least two per year.  The primary reasons include;

  • The time spent at these conferences is actually an investment. When you get back to the office, you’ll be working better, working smarter, and you’ll be far more motivated.
  • The money you spend attending these conferences, to include travel and meals, is normally tax deductible. If you happen to own the business, I don’t have to tell you how important that is!
  • You’ll have the opportunity to speak with and listen to leaders in your industry, and will probably come away with a few new ideas.
  • You’ll be able to tap into a knowledge and experience base far larger than anything you would be able to accumulate on your own.
  • The most important reason to attend an industry event, however, is the same reason I kept going back to the Commission Junction Universities; We need to grow.

Over the last decade, I have attended many trade shows and industry conferences, and I have listed a few of my favorites below. I have personally attended each of these events, and I have been invited to speak at several of them as well.

Whether you are an affiliate marketer, or are just interested in what the Internet can do for your business, one of these events offers something you can use.

The Best Online Marketing Conferences 2011

Affiliate Summit

This event is described as the premier affiliate marketing conference, and with good reason. The Summit is held in New York and Las Vegas, and offers a variety of educational events in addition to top industry speakers and acres of merchants and vendors.

Blog World Expo

The Expo gathers bloggers from the four corners of the earth to Las Vegas for three days so they can  take advantage of networking events, presentations, and of course, vendors and merchants galore. You don’t need to be a blogger to enjoy this conference, though. If you are just looking for a way to use social media to promote your business, you should plan to attend.

Webmaster World’s PubCon

Most people expect this to be a publishing convention, but the first one was actually held in a pub, so the name actually describes a group of colleagues around a pub table. Well, Webmaster’s World has outgrown the pub, but it still provides an informal, relaxed venue to share marketing strategies and advanced SEO methods.

Commission Junction University

I cut my teeth, so to speak, on this event, and if you actually need a reason to spend three days in Santa Barbara, this conference is a really good one. You’ll get a chance to meet with over 800 industry leaders and top Commission Junction affiliates, like me. You should attend just to find out what affiliate marketing can do for your business.


The cool part about newer industry shows is that they’re usually inexpensive, and this one is free, for the moment. This may not last long, though, because AffCon is still packed with leading panelists, all the usual vendors and merchants, and lots of great information for beginners as well as experienced affiliate marketers.

ShareASale Think Tank

What is the difference between a Think Tank and a regular conference? Imagine the level of creativity inspired by great parties, a sports event or two, and one of the best assembled brain-trusts in the industry. Affiliates, managers and merchants would all benefit from this event.

Every business relies on marketing, so it’s likely that your business would benefit from any of these events. If you’ve never attended these or any other online marketing conferences, 2011 might be the year your business really takes off.

Of course, if you aren’t a full-time marketer, there are probably other gatherings which are more focused on your specific industry. You should also least check out the ones that sound interesting.

Shopping for Your Own Trade Show

Matt Papas is an associate of mine who has a weight loss website. Matt could benefit from nearly any Internet marketing conference, but he could also get some great information at fitness or medical conferences. For instance, he could learn more about how to market to clients who are looking for a Medifast coupon code,  or looking for the right answer, complete with details, to the question, “Does the Nutrisystem diet work?”

Arlene, of course, attends some events with me, but occasionally she should take in other events as well. Arlene’s website,, offers support and information for parents of epileptic children, so she could also benefit from medical conferences. She could also add conferences specific to epilepsy support organizations and other childhood diseases.

Regardless of your industry or interest, finding the right trade show could only take a minute or two on your favorite search engine. Search for a phrase like “Restaurant Trade Shows” and you’ll find a list of events and probably a Facebook page or Twitter account you can connect to as well. Someone out there is dying to show you how to attract more customers using Google Plus or how the right color of interior paint will keep customers in your store longer.

Will You Be Attending an Industry Conference This Year?

Well, why in the world not?  If you have yet to attend  one of this year’s online marketing conferences 2011 is not quite over yet . The amount of time and money you’d put into a conference will be more than justified by the ideas and motivation you’ll bring home. The only real question, then, is;

Which of these conferences will you attend?

Author and website developer James Martell is the President of Net Guides Publishing Inc. and is a popular speaker at many national events all over the country, including Commission Junction University and the Affiliate Convention. When James isn’t working or traveling, he enjoys the coastal life just south of Vancouver, BC with his wife, Arlene, and their four children.

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Affiliate Summit East 2011 Photo Recap

Posted on Aug 29, 2011 in Affiliate Marketing, Conferences & Networking | 2 comments

I’ve been back from New York since Thursday and I can easily say I’m still not fully recovered.  I’m always surprised at how exhausted I am after one of these shows, but given the fact that I work at home in relative calm and sedation, 3-4 days of getting up early, talking all day, walking all day, and going to bed late can really take it’s toll.

I finally just got all 250+ photos I took from Affiliate Summit and the surrounding events I attended up onto Flickr today.  So for now, instead of writing a long recap of words, I’ll share with you a recap in pictures.  You can see all the pictures in my Affiliate Summit East 2011 Set on Flickr.

Day 1

How to Pitch Your Company Panel: Tricia Meyer, Kim Rowley, Ad Hustler, & Robert Adler
Dominic Fawver at the For Me To Coupon Meet Market Table
Mike Allen on the mechanical bull at the ShareASale Barn Dance
Brook Schaaf on the mechanical bull at the ShareASale Barn Dance

Day 2
Wil Reynolds’ Keynote
Dominic & I at the For Me To Coupon Booth
The Performance Marketing Association Networking Event
Tricia Meyer & Eric Nagel Singing “Summer Lovin'” at Affiliate Karaoke
Daniel Feinberg Singing an AC/DC Song at Affiliate Karaoke

Day 3
Yankee Stadium
The Luxury Suite Seats at Yankee Stadium
Oakland Athletics’ Brandon Allen at 1st Base helping to achieve the A’s 6-5 win over the Yankees!

And one more just because it’s pretty… the friendly skies, somewhere over Chicago

If you really are in the mood to read, here’s some other good recaps that came through my Google Reader these last few days:

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Affiliate Marketing Fanatics 56: Interviewing Greg Hoffman & Ian Fernando

Posted on Aug 17, 2011 in Affiliate Marketing, Affiliate Marketing Fanatics, Conferences & Networking |

Affiliate Marketing Fanatics – A couple of hyper-caffeinated affiliate marketers (Mike Buechele) and (Trisha Lyn Fawver) talk about all things Affiliate Marketing. From blogging to branding, social media to search, video and more!

You’ve come to love it – our interviews!  This is one last interview with speakers at upcoming Affiliate Summit East 2011 at the New York Hilton in New York City.  Today we’re chatting with Greg Hoffman & Ian Fernando about their origins in affiliate marketing & their panel “Industry Clash: Balancing CPS & CPA Marketing”. They’ll give us a bit of insight into this peace-making panel. In in this episode we discuss:

  • We chat a bit about Greg & Ian’s fellow panelists Jason Rubacky and Logan Thompson.
  • The stereotypes CPS marketers have about CPA marketers.
  • The vast differences between the way the “older” CPS marketers party and the way “younger” CPA marketers party.
  • Bridging the gap and learning from the other side of the coin.
  • Put Greg & Ian’s panel on your Affiliate Summit Schedule! Sunday, August 21st from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm in the Gramercy Suite.
  • Eric guarantees he’ll have a front row seat.  No heckling!
  • Show some love to today’s co-host Eric Nagel! Blog: & Twitter: @esnagel

Find us on Twitter: @AMF_Podcast, @MikeBuechele & @TrishaLyn. Like us on Facebook! Be old fashioned and just leave us a comment!

Special thanks to for hosting Affiliate Marketing Fanatics!

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Increasing Your Profitability: The #1 Strategy

Posted on Aug 10, 2011 in Affiliate Marketing, Guest Posts, Tools |

Guest Post by James Martell.

It’s a safe bet one of the biggest reasons you chose to go into business for yourself is to live by your own schedule. For many people I’ve spoken to since I started out in 1999 online marketing is a great way to stop punching the clock.

In fact, this is a great way to love not only what you do, but to also have a chance to enjoy life. Setting your own hours, leaves you free to spend time your free time as you see fit. An unscheduled day off in the middle of the week won’t get you fired. 🙂

Having this sense of control, and building your own paycheck means a lot less frustration. It also makes you far more productive. It’s important not to let old habits you might have learned in the 9 to 5 mindset hold you back.

Making Your Time Work For You

It’s easy to return to the grind that kept you bogged down in work that you don’t enjoy, or will take you more time than it would a pro with more experience in certain areas. From clerical help to an artistic makeover you can build your business using skills readily available to you from professionals at reasonable costs.

Use the 15-Minute Rule Guide

I’m not overly technical. I found that when I try to do something that requires that type of aptitude I’ll spend hours basically just making the situation worse, and then realize later that I’ve wasted time I could have spent on another task.

There is no reason to struggle this way because there are thousands of talented artistic, clerical, and yes, technical professionals waiting to do jobs exactly like the one causing me a problem. For these individuals it takes just a few minutes to complete a job that could keep me away from higher level, profitable work.

What I love best about the trainings I give is getting to talk to people active in online marketing. I know from these conversations that this is a struggle for a lot of people, but really, it’s unnecessary. If you find yourself wearing thin on the task at hand then try what I call the 15-minute rule.

If I am still frustrated after working on a problem for 15-minutes, and can’t resolve it, or get a project to work the way I it need it to, I will hire a service provider I can trust to do the job for me. Hiring one of the many experienced professions on sites like Elance, takes less time, and in the end, less money than it would if I squandered my day away struggling with an issue, and not getting anything done.

That 15-minute rule has worked well for me, because of the professionalism I found on websites such as Elance. In fact, one job in particular I contracted illustrates exactly what I mean as far as saving money and time working on even a small issue when you can find someone to complete any kind of job in no time at all.

Working on an Excel spread sheet I realized that I needed some of the files separated so I could work with them. As I kept working on different ways to accomplish this and getting frustrated, I realized I was in violation of my rule. I was also letting other projects wait while tried to work on this one issue.

After posting the job on Elance and reviewing my bid options, I accepted the bid of a gentleman to complete the assignment for $20. I was sure the job could be completed in 24 hours for that amount.

Except, after setting the terms for the job at 24 hours, I forgot one crucial part of the job, and I neglected to send him the file. Now, for the provider to be paid within those terms he would need to finish within that timeframe, and if I’d remembered to send the work itself I’m sure he could have done so.

Perhaps, being a professional he’d encountered this problem before, because instead of letting the assignment go when he couldn’t reach me to get the file, he wrote a short program.

What this program did was separate the files, and I all I had to do was install it. The files were separated and I could work with them right away.

If you take this one story, and then realize it happens daily on Elance thousands of times a day you will see why this is a valuable tool.

On these sites, there are thousands of professional service providers actively looking for your jobs, and they are knowledge about how best to help your resolve problems you might be having right now.

Outsourcing Doesn’t Have to Be Expensive If Done Right

Imagine you need a retouching photoshop for a banner add. After trying for awhile with no success it would be easy to exclude this from your website, and you would lose this item you want for your business only because it falls outside your own expertise.

When you only concentrate on what you can do alone due to either time issues, or know-how you’re limiting the professional quality of your endeavor. This is dropping the level of what you can do to promote and run your business, and crippling the vision, you have for all your projects.

One of the important points I make as part of my outsourcing course is that you don’t need to limit your business to those areas of expertise you don’t personally hold. Perhaps unlike me, you are a computer wizard. Chances are good you aren’t also a photo retouchers professional, writer, or software designer. You can go without being all those things, but your business will at some point need all those skills and more.

So many qualified providers and professionals with various skills sets willing to share their abilities with your site or business for a very reasonable price, that finding someone who has a specially skill or even time saving clerical support is too easy and too inexpensive to do without.

Really, the numbers of experts and professionals waiting to bid on your project is astounding. The process is simple and low in cost if you follow a few important tips.

Outsourcing Tip #1: The Myth of Expensive Outsourcing

Many people’s first objection to hiring a professional is based on the myth that outsourcing will be too expensive. Outsourcing is not expensive if you use sites like
Elance, or others where pros bid on doing your job for you. Through this process, you pick the price you want to pay.

As a job provider, you have control of the service providers you hire and how much you will pay.

The nice thing about most of the bidding for hire sites is that when you post the job, you can take the bid that appeals to you to based on the qualifications and how much you think the work is worth.

Outsourcing Tip #2: Outline a Clear Idea of What You Want

This is tip number two, but it is the number one mistake made by new job providers. A vague, undefined job posting will not get you the results you want.

Very clearly, describe what you want. A website designer for example, bidding on your project might be very good, but he or she cannot know in advance what you want without direction, and while this provider will try to give you a great results, it might not be what you need.

Instead, picture how you would like the end-result of your project to look like and write a short spec page outline with 15 or so points listed to let the writer what you want the job to include.

Outsourcing Tip #3: Protect Your Money by Setting Milestones

One very important tip is to protect your money by setting milestones, and using escrow. A milestone can be set for each phase of project. The total payment for the job can be split per each milestone performed.

On sites like Elance, the escrow system allows you to keep your money protected since you only release the funds when a milestone or the project is completed to your satisfaction.

When my wife Arlene first started outsourcing she found that through this method she had better control of each phase of her website. Since she needed many different new aspects to her site, having approval of each element from the banner to the links on the page was a useful tool for her, and is for anyone with a definite picture of what they want.

Outsourcing Tip #4: Use Feedback to Get To Know the Pro

Before you select who will work on the project check their feedback. As providers bid on your project, you can use the system to read what others they have worked for say about them. In a way, the feedback works much the same a reference.

Personally, I avoid those service providers who do not have any feedback, since their abilities, and work ethic are yet unknown.

Outsourcing Tip #5: Chose Your Own Price Through Negotiation

Negotiate the price. You can ask bidders to lower their bids through the system. Sometimes an overpriced bid represents a misunderstanding of what the job will entail or what kind of budget is possible for this work. Most bidders are open to some element of negotiation due to the competition for jobs and good job providers on the site.

One of the main reasons that my wife Arlene developed this knack for negotiation was in her experience working with her own site

Arlene noticed a need for a place online where parents could share information about Epilepsy, it’s treatment, and trade tactics for dealing with this condition. She wanted an easy to navigate site, a forum, and a recorded message that greeted visitors as they entered.

Going through some of the services out there could have been expensive, and doing this work alone would have difficult. She found that through discussions with the services providers she could get a price that was reasonable, without sacrificing expertise.

Outsourcing Tip #6: Keep in Contact and Respond to Messages

Elance provides a private message system. This function allows private emails between you and the service provider. Here you and the person working on the job can discuss aspects of different assigns and keep up with each step along the way.

The pro’s goal is to make you the customer happy, and this will mean touching base with you occasionally. Keeping in touch with the provider also lets you know that the project is staying on track, and that you will be happy the job’s results.

Elance holds these messages in the system allowing you and the service provider to keep a running record of your communications.

While it happens very infrequently, if you and the service provider disagree at any point these records are valuable in assisting Elance in resolving the dispute.

Outsourcing Tip #7: Everyone Likes to Get Paid—Pay Fast

After outsourcing more than 400 projects, I know that money is a motivator. Once you have a technical person, writer, data entry clerk, or any other sort of service provider you may very well want to become a repeat customer. Paying fast ensures the service provider would put your name at the top of their list of projects to bid on when he or she sees your posting.

When you are paying you can stagger the amounts allowing you to pay a part of the total agreed on price a step at a time, but there’s one other important tool that milestones give you. Once you’ve paid an initial deposit you can give feedback. If things start going wrong on the job, this tool allows you to have a motivator when working with the service provider.

Feedback on Elance works much the same as with other systems like eBay in which bad feedback can cost the provider future sales or work. Once you’ve made a payment through the system you have this added incentive for the service provider to do a great job.

Outsourcing Tip #8: Never Leave The System

There’s no legitimate reason for either the job provider or the service provider to want to leave the system either Elance or other service provider website has set up. If you leave you can’t use the many safe features the site provides for you.

A service provider might ask you to leave in order to avoid paying. Job providers only pay for the service provider, while Elance takes it’s fee from that total before paying the service provider.

Leaving the system is denying Elance it’s fee, and it takes away important safety features from you such as dispute resolution, a safe, private message center, and the ability to give feedback.

When service providers are used to getting good feedback they have no reason to leave the system, since while they are paying a small fee, the free advertising from a satisfied customer’s comments ensures them more work.

Outsourcing Tip #9: Build Service Provider Relationships

When you are a good client who pays on time and gets good feedback you will never have trouble getting great bids for you jobs. Once you know whom you want to work with from experience you can invite them back to work with you again,

On her own site this was a great discovery that Arlene made, once someone knows you, it’s easier for the person to produce work you will appreciate. In the case of her site past services providers who already knew her needs and her site could produce the work quickly.

Outsourcing Tip #10: Your Feedback is Important Too

Just as you are checking out the feedback of the service provider, they are looking at your past feedback to determine if you are someone they want to work with on the job you’re current listing.

Some comments such as being slow to pay, or not responding to messages can hurt you in finding future good professionals to help you. From the service providers perspective they are taking a chance that you will honor your agreement, and the best proof of that is an outstanding past record.

Your Incentive to Outsourcing

  • Thousands of technicians, writers, network specialists, coders, copywriters,artists, web designers, and more professionals are competing for your business.
  • Competition keeps the costs down.
  • There is no cost for posting your job. The service provider pays the fee for the job.
  • Feedback is an extra incentive for the service provider to do a great job for you.
  • Elance has provided safety nets to ensure your privacy, and that disputes can be settled within the system.

People Like to Earn Money

From the start like many in this industry, I wanted my wife to also take part in the business. She wasn’t interested until one day she saw something she really wanted. A sofa that would exactly fit her plans for decorating. I think everyone can relate. We all see those things we want, and need then go looking for ways to achieve our dreams.

In this case the dream was at a reasonable price, but she also knew I had money set aside for the writing several articles I needed. She came to me with an idea, she could do the articles, and we both get a sofa.

She’d written before so this was a skill she possessed. We made the trade. In this case, I not only got the articles, but in writing those articles, Arlene saw what affiliate marketing was all about and started taking a big part in the business herself.

You don’t always have a professional or expert in the family, and even when you do drawing on them all the time can have a downside. You can draw on the professionals at Elance or a similar site whenever you need to for almost any type of service or skill.

Sometimes it might just be a person to go through a few administrative details to free up your time. Or you might someone to design your entire website. Either way, it doesn’t have to be too expensive, and this can immensely increase the productive or image of your site.

Over to You

What questions do you have about outsourcing? Tell us your thoughts on this way to increase your productivity.

Recognized as a leading expert in affiliate marketing training, James Martell is President of Net Guides Publishing Inc. and host of the “Affiliate Marketers SUPER BootCamp.” A sought-after speaker, James has presented at Commission Junction University, Affiliate Summit, The System Seminar, Digital River Lab, Webmaster World’s PubCon, Affcon, and more. He is also the host the “Affiliate Buzz”, the 1st ever and longest running affiliate marketing podcast in the industry. James relies on outsourcing for the creation of his websites, graphics, articles, podcasts, and video in order to streamline his business, enabling him to break away from the daily grind.

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